Snooze or lose: The bedtime saga

Picture of Julian Crooknorth

Julian Crooknorth

Ever wondered why executives often struggle with weight? Spoiler: it’s not just the stress or the endless meetings. It's the lack of sleep! Dive into our latest blog to unravel the bedtime saga that’s unfolding in every corner office.

You know the drill. You’re up late, poring over spreadsheets or catching up on emails. A glance at the clock tells you it’s way past bedtime, but hey, success never sleeps, right? Well, let me spill the tea for you: success might not sleep, but if you want to tip the scale in favour of, say, not tipping the scale, you should.

Sleep, or the lack of it, is directly correlated to weight gain. When you’re tossing and turning in bed, battling insomnia, your body’s also secretly waging war against your metabolism. The irony? The less you sleep, the more you want to eat. Yep, you read that right. Being tired makes you hungry. It’s not just you.

If we’re blaming someone or something for that need to munch when tired, let’s point fingers at ghrelin and leptin. These hormones, which control hunger and fullness, get entirely out of whack when you’re sleep-deprived. The end result? You overeat.

If you’re up late, the chances of you grabbing a kale salad are about as likely as a cat choosing a bath over a sunbeam. It’s the sugary, carb-heavy stuff we crave when battling insomnia. So, now you’re not just awake; you’re actively helping your waistline expand.

Here’s the clincher: more sleep doesn’t just keep the pounds off. It also makes you more effective at your job. Cognitive function, problem-solving skills, memory recall—you name it, they all get a boost.

By now, you should be convinced that hitting the sack earlier is a must. Start by setting a regular bedtime and actually sticking to it. Next, consider tweaking your diet to include foods that help promote sleep. Think turkey, nuts, and good old warm milk.

Meet Sarah, a hard-charging executive with a sleep problem she didn’t know she had. Midnight found her glued to her laptop, ignoring the clock and the growing number on her scale. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” was her mantra. Until the day she found herself snapping at her team and missing crucial details.

Enough was enough. Sarah dove into the link between sleep and weight gain and decided it was high time for a change. Out went the late-night email sessions, replaced by a 10 p.m. bedtime, and her phone got the boot from her bedroom. Almonds and chamomile tea replaced energy drinks and pizza. 

In weeks, the transformation was obvious. Not only did the scale tip back, but her energy levels and productivity also soared. She was a happier, healthier leader, leading a happier, more effective team. 

Sarah’s message is clear: if you want to succeed without the extra pounds, sleep isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. So put down that late-night work, and pick up some solid Zs. The ROI on a good night’s sleep is better than any deal you’ll ever make.

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