Find your fit

Achieve more faster... with the help of a coach

Remove the guesswork. Get fitter, stronger and healthier!

The key to success is a strong support network, research has shown that only 8% of people actually achieve their goals, and those that do have built a formidable & reliable support system around them.

Our coaches will offer you wisdom & guidance, strength & hope, understanding & compassion, they will be by your side through every step.

Maybe you want to take control of your health, lose weight, lose fat, get fitter, leaner & stronger. Maybe you just want to feel better, look better, build lean muscle, drop a dress size or get in shape for summer. Maybe you’re a recreational, enthusiast or competitive athlete and your goal is to perform at your very best.

Become the happiest, healthiest, strongest version of yourself!

Learn to build sustainable habits for even the most challenging of goals… without restrictive dieting or endless hours of cardio!

Our complete coaching options do more than just teach you how to exercise and eat better. You’ll also develop the mental and emotional skills you need to experience the confidence and freedom a healthy lifestyle has to offer.

Get in the best shape of your life… for good!

empower Coaching for Women is your chance to finally see the big picture, help connect the pieces together and take the right action that produces the sustainable results you truly want! It’s true – you can stop following restrictive diets, indulge in food you love, and still get remarkable results!

Get stronger, leaner, fitter… and stay that way for good!

embattled Coaching for Men is a complete comprehensive solution that considers all the domains of health.

No matter where you are in life, busy executive, retired… ff you are burnt out, weak, struggling with anxiety & indecision and don’t know where to turn.

If you want to build your body, strengthen your mind, and optimise your life then embattle Coaching for Men is for you!

Faster, higher, stronger… achieve what was unachievable

enblaze Coaching for Athletes leverages your strengths, builds your weaknesses, so you can perform at your very best. Your sports performance has stalled or, even worse, gone backwards. Maybe your golf handicap is stuck, you can’t surpass your 5K PB, or reach the same level of performance on the football, hockey or rugby field. Whether you’re a recreational, enthusiast or competitive athlete and your goal is to perform at your very best, emblaze Coaching for Athletes is your ticket to success!

Burn fat, build muscle… and transform your body!

embody Transformation Coaching sculpt the body you have always desired!

You’ve tried to transform your body. No matter what you’ve tried, it hasn’t worked. Restrictive fad diets. Endless cardio sessions. Weight loss programs promising incredible results in just 30 days.

If this sounds like you, you have that final few pounds to lose, or need to tone up your body, embody Transformation Coaching is the support you need to sculpt a body that turns heads!

Remove the guesswork… regain your health & fitness!

emerge personal training removes the guesswork giving you the results you’ve always wanted. If you are not happy with your current physique, health, fitness or energy and need that extra help in the gym this is the personal training you need. If you’ve lost your way, confused about what your training, emerge personal training is what you need to stay on track!

Here's what you can expect from our coaching packages

During our time together, we’ll help you achieve even the most complex goals…
no matter what’s going on around you.

Planned with you in mind

We always start with your needs and goals. Then we help you develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better, in a way that works for your body, and your life.

Complete support you deserve

Your performance coach will remove the guesswork and give you accountability, direction, and support every step of the way. They’ll help you stay consistent no matter what life throws at you.

Achieve your goals, even when life gets crazy

We break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. You’ll develop healthy habits that become second nature and last a lifetime.

Life changing results, delivered online

Access our online coaching program and connect directly with your strength coach from any digital device. Meet your coach directly with optional zoom, or depending on location in-person, meetings.

I can’t even begin to imagine how much money I have wasted on fad diets and all the latest crazes, but none of them ever worked. I didn’t understand my relationship with food or the importance of fuelling my body properly.

Julian has made me look at things from a totally different perspective, I’ve learnt to let go of old habits and create a new healthier lifestyle that starts from the inside out. I enjoy eating more now than ever before but eat with a better understanding of what my body needs. I no longer punish myself or feel guilty when I treat myself, we all deserve a treat from time to time.

Julian has taken the time to understand me and at the same time I’ve learnt a lot about me, this isn’t a one fits all package it’s an individually tailored plan that becomes a lifestyle choice that doesn’t leave you feeling judged, embarrassed or disheartened. I feel fitter, healthier, knowledgable and in control.

I can’t recommend P4M Coaching enough.


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Download the P4M Guide to reverse Dieting

Reverse dieting is a method that involves slowly and strategically increasing daily food intake, all in an effort to raise your metabolism. And while reverse dieting might seem like a one-way street toward weight regain, the technique actually offers a lot of promise, when done right.

Download the P4M guide and get started today.

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