From dad bods to greek gods

Picture of Julian Crooknorth

Julian Crooknorth

Why your fitness coach's looks are the least of your worries. Choosing a fitness coach is a big decision. Don't be afraid to take your time and find someone who you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your goals. Remember, the best coaches are the ones who put you first. not just societal "likes."

As a male fitness coach, I’ve seen firsthand how the myth of the “perfect” coach can hold people back from achieving their fitness goals. People often feel intimidated by coaches who look like they’ve stepped out of a fitness magazine. But the truth is, the best coaches are the ones who are relatable and can create a plan that fits your individual needs and lifestyle.

Thanks to Instagram, we’re bombarded with images of fitness coaches who look like they’ve been airbrushed to perfection. But here’s the kicker: social media is a highlight reel, not a documentary. It’s easy to forget that these images often give a false impression of what a fitness coach “should” look like.

Why are we so smitten with the Adonis-like coaches? Simple: we’re wired to think “hot equals smart.” But let’s not kid ourselves—a six-pack might get you likes on Instagram, but it won’t necessarily get you results in the gym. And let’s not forget, behind every “perfect” selfie is probably a pile of dirty laundry, a half-eaten pizza, and a lifestyle of restrictive fad diets and endless cardio sessions that most of us can’t—or shouldn’t—maintain.

Hi, I’m Julian, and I won’t be gracing the cover of “Muscle & Fitness” anytime soon. I’m more “guy next door” than “Greek god,” but guess what? My clients get results. Just last week, one of them sent me this:

“People are noticing the changes in me, and I’m swimming in compliments! Seriously, I can’t thank you enough. I’m thrilled with my results.”

As a male coach, people expect me to have washboard abs and a diet that consists of kale smoothies and unicorn tears. Newsflash: I enjoy a good burger and have a Netflix queue just like you.

A great coach isn’t someone who looks like they were carved out of marble. It’s someone who can carve out a plan that fits your life. Think of it as bespoke tailoring but for your health.

Ever tried talking to a statue? Not very responsive, right? Sometimes, the “picture-perfect” coach is as relatable as a marble bust in a museum. You want someone who gets your struggles, not just your squat form. A relatable coach will be able draw on their own experiences to motivate you, help you to stay on track and celebrate your successes with you.

Good coaching isn’t just about turning you into a calorie-burning, muscle-building machine. It’s about tuning into your whole life—work, stress, sleep, and yes, even your Netflix binges. It’s like having a life coach who can also help you lift heavy things.

When choosing a coach, don’t just go for the eye candy. The most important trait is that they put you first, not their Instagram feed.

When choosing a coach, don’t just go for the eye candy. The most important trait is that they put you first, not their Instagram feed. A great coach will:

  • Take the time to understand your individual needs and goals
  • Create a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle
  • Be supportive and motivating
  • Hold you accountable
  • Celebrate your successes

Ready to find a coach who’s more than just a pretty face? Start by having a chat with potential coaches. Make sure they align with your needs, not societal “likes.”

Choosing a fitness coach is a big decision. Don’t be afraid to take your time and find someone who you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your goals. Remember, the best coaches are the ones who put you first. not just societal “likes.”

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