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Welcome to P4M Coaching's Information Hub

Hey there, health and fitness enthusiasts! Dive into a wellspring of wisdom that touches on our six pillars: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Environmental, and Existential well-being

Ever find yourself stuck in a fitness rut or lost in the maze of nutrition advice? We’re here to help you navigate the twists and turns. Think of our articles as a roadmap to your best self—chock-full of actionable tips, grounded research, and inspirational stories.

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Sleep, Stress and Recovery
Julian Crooknorth

Snooze or lose: The bedtime saga

Ever wondered why executives often struggle with weight? Spoiler: it’s not just the stress or the endless meetings. It’s the lack of sleep! Dive into our latest blog to unravel the bedtime saga that’s unfolding in every corner office.

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General Advice
Julian Crooknorth

From dad bods to greek gods

Why your fitness coach’s looks are the least of your worries. Choosing a fitness coach is a big decision. Don’t be afraid to take your time and find someone who you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve

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During this no-obligation session, we’ll get to know each other a bit. You’ll learn who we are, what we do, and how we work. We’ll discuss how we can tailor our strategies to help you achieve your goals.

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We release a limited number of spots each month for these free sessions, and they go quickly. So if you’re serious about making a change, act now.

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Download the P4M Guide to reverse Dieting

Reverse dieting is a method that involves slowly and strategically increasing daily food intake, all in an effort to raise your metabolism. And while reverse dieting might seem like a one-way street toward weight regain, the technique actually offers a lot of promise, when done right.

Download the P4M guide and get started today.

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