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Achieving any goal requires the right support

Get the support you need to change your life forever

Award winning health & fitness coaching needs great coaches. Our coaching team is made up of the best nutrition coaches, strength coaches, lifestyle coaches and sleep & stress specialists.

Become the happiest, healthiest, strongest version of yourself!

Our fully personalised, inside-out strategies will not only help you rediscover vitality and boost self-confidence, but they’ll also bring back that joyful spark you thought was gone for good. Imagine feeling lighter, both inside and out, every time you face the mirror or climb a set of stairs.

Unleashing Greatness, One Step at a Time
That's P4M Coaching​

Let’s be real: greatness doesn’t happen in a vacuum. At P4M, we’re firm believers that every individual has untapped potential, just waiting to break free. But unlocking that greatness? That’s a team sport.

Your Goals Aren’t Solo Missions

Sure, some rare souls might go it alone, pulling off feats like weight loss or lifestyle overhauls single-handedly. But let’s face it—that’s not the norm. Most of us benefit from a sturdy support network when chasing our goals, and that’s where we come in.

Expert Guidance: Because Lone Wolves Don’t Win Championships

No one reaches the top without a helping hand or two (or ten). That’s why at P4M, we’re all about assembling your personal “Dream Team” of experts, mentors, and cheerleaders. If past attempts have left you frustrated, know this: with the right support, your story can change.

Tailored Strategies: Your Life, Your Rules

We’re not into cookie-cutters. A P4M coach becomes your co-pilot, crafting an action plan that’s as unique as you are. Physical, nutritional, emotional, lifestyle factors—you name it, we consider it. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all ordeal; it’s a personalised roadmap to your own version of greatness.

Results That Speak Volumes

Our aim? To fuel your journey with the kind of support that turns aspirations into achievements. Guided by your P4M coach, you won’t just reach your goals—you’ll redefine what you thought was possible.

Igniting Lifelong Transformations
The Heart of P4M

Our Core Mission? To Kickstart Your Journey to Greatness

We’re not just coaches; we’re catalysts for change. At P4M, our purpose goes beyond reps and meal plans. We’re here to fuel your life’s transformation, crafting a legacy of enduring success.

A Sanctuary for Success: No Judgments, Just Triumphs

We get it—change is hard. That’s why we’ve cultivated a haven where you can take risks, break barriers, and crush those goals, all within a positive and judgment-free zone. Feel welcome, feel empowered, and most importantly, feel ready to seize your greatness.

Personalised to the Core: Where Your Health Takes Center Stage

Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. We take a microscope to your life, digging into the nitty-gritty of what deep health means to you. This isn’t about quick fixes; it’s about forging a path that resonates with your individual needs.

Going Beyond the Now: Building a Lasting Legacy

Why settle for short-term wins when you could be aiming for a lifetime of awesomeness? With P4M, you’re not just ticking off boxes; you’re creating a sustainable and inspiring narrative that’ll make you proud to tell your story.

Planned with you in mind

We always start with your needs and goals. Then we help you develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better, in a way that works for your body, and your life.

Complete support you deserve

Your award winning coach will remove the guesswork and give you accountability, direction, and support every step of the way. They’ll help you stay consistent no matter what life throws at you.

Achieve your goals, even when life gets crazy

We break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. You’ll develop healthy habits that become second nature and last a lifetime.

Life changing results, online or in-person

Access our online coaching program and connect directly with your strength coach from any digital device. Meet your coach directly with optional zoom, or depending on location in-person, meetings.

So, You're Eyeing P4M, Huh?
Got Doubts? That's Why We're Here

If you’re flipping through these pages, wondering if this whole “life-changing coaching” thing is your jam—listen up.

Feel like your diet is a dumpster fire? We get it. Think the gym is as foreign as a country where you don’t speak the language? You’re not alone. Believe that becoming fit means uprooting your life? Let’s talk.

Confused and Overwhelmed? You’re in the Right Place.

If the mere thought of “health” and “fitness” leaves you scratching your head—fantastic. You’re the blank canvas we love to work with.

Seasoned Gym Rat But Stuck in a Rut?

Been there, lifted that, but now it’s like you’ve hit a brick wall? Don’t sweat it.

Even Coaches Need Coaches

If you’re in the industry and still think there’s room for growth, guess what? You’re our kinda people.

You’re Exactly Who We Built P4M For

Your concerns, your doubts, and those nagging what-ifs are exactly why P4M exists. So, if you see yourself in any of the above scenarios—look no further. You’re not just a perfect fit; you’re the reason we’re here.

From ICU to 'I See You'
Our Journey to Deep Health and How P4M Can Guide Yours

The Tipping Point: Our Wake-Up Call

Picture this. My wife and I were knee-deep in the grind—juggling work, raising kids, and playing catch-up with life’s demands. Time for ourselves? That was always at the bottom of the priority list. We sought refuge in food and drinks, dismissing the extra pounds as a rite of passage into adulthood.

Then, a day came that changed everything—I landed in the ICU with Pericarditis. Suddenly, the façade cracked. We knew we had to pivot, not just for us but for our kids too.

Trial and (Many) Errors

Feeling motivated, we ditched the “bad” foods, quit drinking, and hit the gym. Simple, right? Wrong. It was a carousel of diets and workout regimes, all ending in the same result: failure. Something wasn’t clicking.

Eureka Moment: The Multi-Faceted Approach to Deep Health

Two years and three ICU trips later, we hit rock bottom. But sometimes, you have to hit the floor to bounce back up. We realized health wasn’t a one-size-fits-all puzzle; it was a mosaic of physical, mental, emotional, and even environmental factors.

The Ripple Effect: How P4M Was Born

Once we tackled these diverse domains, the dominoes started to fall into place. Sure, we looked and felt better, but the magic was in how this newfound energy radiated into every facet of our life. We became not just healthier individuals, but better parents, better partners, better people. And you know what? Others started noticing—and asking how we did it. That was the spark that ignited P4M Coaching.

P4M: A Tailored Path to Your Best Self

Today, P4M isn’t just a coaching service; it’s a lifeline for people like you. Those who’ve put everyone and everything ahead of themselves. Our mission is simple: Help you live a life that makes you feel as good as you look, without the rollercoaster of diets and trends.

Your Journey Awaits

So if you’re ready to write a new chapter, know this: We’ve got your back. We provide a one-of-a-kind, tailored approach that honors your uniqueness, all while navigating you toward a life that’s not just healthy, but fulfilling. Because deep health isn’t a destination, it’s a journey—and yours starts now.


Master Coach

The P4M Crew
Your Personal Pit Crew for the Race to Greatness

Our Coaches Get It, Because They've Been There

Just like you, our coaches know the struggle is real. They've navigated the ups and downs of health issues, weight challenges, and eating disorders. They've been at the crossroads of exhaustion and burnout, battled anxiety, and fought indecision.

No matter their past, they all share a common belief.

Good health and a thriving body are the birthright of every single person on this planet!


Qualified nutrition, sleep, stress management & recovery coach. Ali has a deep interest in the changing body, specifically the female menopause and male andropause, supporting you through these life changing times.


Certified personal trainer, weight loss coach, endurance athlete. Having experienced both sides of the industry, Simon has a depth of knowledge and wisdom that he uses to help athletes become stronger, fitter and faster.


Certified personal trainer, mental health & fitness instructor, figure athlete. Being a figure athlete, Angie has the experience and knowledge to help you achieve the body of you've always wanted.

Our Trophy Case
Where Expertise Meets Excellence

Best Health & Fitness Coaching Company

Fitness and Nutrition Awards 2023

Most Empowering Fitness Coaching Platform

Fitness and Nutrition Awards 2022

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Download the P4M Guide to reverse Dieting

Reverse dieting is a method that involves slowly and strategically increasing daily food intake, all in an effort to raise your metabolism. And while reverse dieting might seem like a one-way street toward weight regain, the technique actually offers a lot of promise, when done right.

Download the P4M guide and get started today.

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