Dare to transform with our FREE 8 week plan!

when you download

The 8 Week Cut – The Complete Guide!

you will have a plan that includes…

  • comprehensive nutrition guide discover how to tailor your calorie intake for muscle gain and fat loss, balance your macros for peak performance, and select powerhouse foods that keep you in top form

  • personalised meal planning craft meal plans that suit your tastes and ambitions, ensuring you relish each meal while optimising your physique

  • delicious, quick recipe ideas from energising breakfasts to satisfying dinners, our recipes are designed for quick preparation and maximum enjoyment

  • structured strength training split into two dynamic 4-week phases focusing on muscle building and fat shredding. Train four days a week with clear guidance on targeted exercises for unbeatable results

  • detailed guidance each exercise includes detailed instructions and video demonstrations to ensure perfect form and safe execution

  • sets & reps defined clear instructions on sets and reps to keep you progressing steadily and maximising your gains

Hi, I'm Julian!

Attention Transformers!

You know the drill—another attempt at transforming your fitness, starting strong but losing direction without a clear plan. It began with motivation, but soon, without structured guidance, that fire dwindled. You found yourself adrift amid sporadic training and mixed dietary advice, with real results eluding you.

The "8 Week Cut" is your blueprint for success. It's not just about winging it, it's about a deliberate, structured path to greatness. We’ve designed a precise regimen that cuts through the noise, keeps you on track, and delivers tangible outcomes.

At P4M Coaching, we're committed to more than just helping you drop weight. We guide you toward embodying strength and exuding confidence.

With "The 8 Week Shred," you join a movement toward sustainable health and robust confidence

I'm Julian, P4M Master Coach. We’ve crafted this guide specifically for men like you. You've tried losing weight before. It hasn't stuck, leaving you feeling adrift and frustrated. We're here to boost your health, elevate your energy, and strip away excess weight… no matter the external pressures!

Imagine this – in just 8 weeks, you glance in the mirror and stop dead. The reflection staring back is unmistakably you—only more formidable, chiseled, and radiating sheer confidence. This isn't just wishful thinking, it's your imminent future with "The 8 Week Shred."

Don’t wait to become the strongest version of yourself. Download our guide NOW, and start your transformation to a more formidable, vibrant you!

Copyright © 2023 P4M Coaching Limited

Download the P4M Guide
8 Week Cut The Complete Guide

We understand the challenges of losing weight, but you’re not alone—we’re here to support you every step of the way. With our structured 8 Week Cut guide, you’ll have a clear plan to effectively lose weight and feel great.

Download the P4M guide now and take the first step towards your transformation today.

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Download the P4M Guide to reverse Dieting

Reverse dieting is a method that involves slowly and strategically increasing daily food intake, all in an effort to raise your metabolism. And while reverse dieting might seem like a one-way street toward weight regain, the technique actually offers a lot of promise, when done right.

Download the P4M guide and get started today.

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