Find your fit

Get in the best shape of your life... for good!

Feel like you're losing the battle with your body and sinking self-esteem?

Feel like you’re dragging a heavy weight around, both physically and emotionally? You’ve watched the numbers on the scale creep up, year after year. Each time, you feel a piece of your confidence chip away.

It’s not just about clothes that don’t fit or avoiding mirrors. It’s that sinking feeling that you’re losing control over your own life. Every diet or gym membership feels like a new start. Deep down, you fear it’ll be another dead end.

When Every Day Feels Like an Uphill Battle Against Yourself

Facing each day like you’re trudging through quicksand. You struggle to get out of bed, your joints creaking, energy sapped before the day even begins.

Gone is the bounce in your step, replaced by a heaviness that isn’t just physical—it’s emotional, too. You look in the mirror and don’t recognise the person staring back at you. The joy of living feels muted, and each failed attempt to make a change just adds another layer of self-doubt.

From Uphill Battle to Summit View
Transform How You Face the Mirror… and Yourself

Enough is enough. It’s time to break free, time to take a new approach. At P4M Coaching, we get it—you’re not some one-size-fits-all case study.

Our fully personalised, inside-out strategies will not only help you rediscover vitality and boost self-confidence, but they’ll also bring back that joyful spark you thought was gone for good.

Turn Back the Clock

Imagine feeling lighter, both inside and out, each time you face the mirror or climb a set of stairs. Picture shedding stubborn fat and gaining functional muscle that makes everyday tasks a breeze.

Stack Your Wins

With our elite coaching, not only will you experience a physical transformation, but you’ll also learn habits that enable you to stack wins all day, every day.

Be Your Best Self

This isn’t just about sculpting your physique; it’s about sculpting your life. Be a better partner, parent, and leader.

It’s time to reclaim the life you deserve!

Real Triumphs, Real Stories
They've Conquered the Summit, So Can You!

Wondering if this could be you? Meet some of our ecstatic clients benefiting from our award-winning coaching.

Client Spotlight: Fiona's Journey

I've been on a transformation journey with Julian for the past 5 months. Initially, my goal was to make weight for judo competitions and regain my strength. Not only did I win my first big competition since lockdown, but I also found a renewed sense of confidence and well-being that goes beyond the scales. In fact, I'm getting daily compliments about how great I look—a true testament to how I feel.

Julian's approach is incredibly personalised—introducing me to new exercise regimes and helping me push boundaries I didn't think were possible. He is the consummate professional, and his guidance is effective whether you're striving for specific athletic achievements or just wanting to feel better in your own skin.

I wholeheartedly recommend him.

We release a limited number of spots each month for these free sessions, and they go quickly. So if you’re serious about making a change, act now.

Client Spotlight: Jaime's Breakthrough

I can’t even begin to imagine how much money I have wasted on fad diets and all the latest crazes, but none of them ever worked. Julian has made me look at things from a totally different perspective. I enjoy eating more now than ever before but eat with a better understanding of what my body needs.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all package; it’s an individually tailored plan that becomes a lifestyle choice that doesn’t leave you feeling judged, embarrassed, or disheartened. I feel fitter, healthier, knowledgeable, and in control.

I can’t recommend P4M Coaching enough.
Client Spotlight: Harry's Growth

Before working with Julian, I always lacked confidence and felt weak and soft. I was too anxious to even set foot in a gym.

But Julian changed all that. He kept me motivated every single day, and now, thanks to his expert coaching, I'm hitting the gym four times a week. I've gained not just muscle, but also self-assurance. Highly recommended, especially for beginners like I was.

I couldn't have done it without him.

Where Personalised Coaching Meets Real Results

Located in Whitehill, Bordon, Hampshire, we don’t just offer coaching—we offer a unique, transformative experience. Whether you prefer in-person or online sessions, we’re here to guide you toward optimal health and jaw-dropping results that you might’ve thought were out of reach.

Tailored to You, Because One-Size-Fits-None

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a generic, check-the-boxes kind of program. This is all about you. Our coaching is meticulously tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring that you don’t just dream of results—you actually achieve them.

Your Personal A-Team of Support

Ever wonder why most people fail to reach their goals? They’re going it alone. Studies show that less than 8% of people actually reach the finish line on their ambitions. The difference-maker? A strong support network.

Why Go Solo When You Could Soar?

Think about it: if you wanted to ace your tennis game, you wouldn’t just whack balls against a wall—you’d hire an instructor. Why should your health and well-being goals be any different? We serve as your team of dedicated coaches, mentors, and cheerleaders, all wrapped up in one.

Together, we’ll ensure you’re not just aiming for your goals but smashing them!

Whatever Your Goal We Have The Coaching Solution For You

Multidisciplinary, Customised, and Rooted in Science

We don't do cookie-cutter plans here. We take a multidisciplinary approach that's based on your needs, your wants, and your unique set of circumstances.

We're rooted in scientific insights and effective strategies. This isn't a one-size-fits-all ordeal; this is personalised coaching at its best.

Recognised and Awarded: Your Journey in Trusted Hands

At P4M Coaching, our work doesn't just transform lives. It's earned us recognition and accolades in the industry. You're not just getting any coaching; you're getting award-winning coaching.

Best Health & Fitness Coaching Company 2023
Fitness and Nutrition Awards 2023

Certified, Experienced, and Recognized by CIMSPA

Led by P4M Master Coach Julian, our team boasts more than just gym know-how. We're backed by the gold standard of industry certification, recognized by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA). You're not just getting any coaching; you're getting professionally certified, award-winning expertise.

Life-Savvy Coaches with Diverse Backgrounds

But we're not just a bunch of certificates hanging on the wall. Our coaches have walked diverse life paths before stepping into the fitness arena. From personal challenges to life lessons, we bring a treasure chest of real-world experiences. This arsenal of proven strategies has already changed lives, and your challenge—whatever it is—has likely met its match.

Ready to Conquer Your Summit?
Let's Talk!

During this no-obligation session, we’ll get to know each other a bit. You’ll learn who we are, what we do, and how we work. We’ll discuss how we can tailor our strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Grab Your Spot Now!
Limited Availability Each Month!

We release a limited number of spots each month for these free sessions, and they go quickly. So if you’re serious about making a change, act now.

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60 min

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Download the P4M Guide to reverse Dieting

Reverse dieting is a method that involves slowly and strategically increasing daily food intake, all in an effort to raise your metabolism. And while reverse dieting might seem like a one-way street toward weight regain, the technique actually offers a lot of promise, when done right.

Download the P4M guide and get started today.

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